How To Attend Music Festivals On The Cheap

Summertime means one thing for music lovers: summer music festival season! Whether you’re the kind of festival traveler that likes to go abroad and take in festivals from around the globe or keep it local and scope out the hottest acts coming through town, festival traveling can get pricey. From tickets, transportation, to accommodations, the price for a single weekend getaway can add up, so we have a few tips on how you can see your favourite artists without having to sell your organ or two.
Make friends everywhere you go
Music festivals are essentially communities for like-minded people, so it’s easy to make friends wherever you go. What’s even better about this is that you never know where your newfound festival traveler besties may be from! They could from the city or country the next music festival you are planning on checking out. Traveling with friends is also an easy way to cut down on travel costs when attending music festivals. Splitting gas, hotel rooms and parking fare among a group of seven is cheaper than having to fork it all over yourself.
Couch surf
Now, remember those friends you met at last years house music festival? Well, turns out they’re going again and they’re offering you their couch to sleep on instead of that expensive, five-star hotel you were planning on staying at. Whoever said having friends with benefits was a bad idea clearly wasn’t thinking about festival season, am I right? Couch surfing is the simplest way to save money while festival traveling. Hotels get pricey, so a friend’s couch or looking for hostels that get overtaken by other festival travelers is also a cheap solution to your accommodation needs.
Join communities
Joining online communities is a great place to be kept in the know when it comes to festival news. Online communities know the best times to buy festival tickets – tier one pricing and early bird tickets are always the cheapest — and by joining in on their mailing lists, you’ll never miss a ticket sale as emails about them are sent right to your inbox. Communities, such as this one, often times have contests where you can win tickets for you and a friend to upcoming festivals. This summer, we’ll be giving away tickets to some of the hottest festivals of the summer, so pay attention because we may be sending you to see your favourite artists for free.
You have to do this months in advance, but festival organizers are always looking for people to volunteer at these events. Though you most likely won’t get paid for running a merch table or manning an info booth station, sacrificing your weekend to get to listen to your favourite artists for free doesn’t seem like a bad gig to us.
Music festivals can be pricey. But by following our simple guide and putting your thrifty ways to good use, you’ll save money, that let’s be honest, is just going to be used to pay for tickets to your next festival. Don’t worry, we’re not judging you.